JUMP TO💸🤝 Payouts - Shinkansen endpointsTransactions & ResponsesSends a payout messagepostSends a payout response (used by payout operators)postReturns the transaction statusgetReturns the transaction statusgetReturns the transaction response of a non-pending transactionget💸🤝 Payouts - Participant webhooksTransactions & ResponsesReceives responses from ShinkansenpostMetadata NotificationsReceives notifications from Shinkansenpost🔔 Notifications - Participant webhooksNotificationsReceives notifications from Shinkansenpost🔔 Notifications - Shinkansen endpointsNotificationsRequests a new notification message related to account informationpostReturns previously sent notifications from Shinkansenget✅🤝 Validator - Shinkansen endpointsAccount ValidationRequest a validationpostReturns the validation request including status and (if not pending) responsegetReturns all account access checks for a validation requestgetRequest a account access checkpost✅🤝 Validator - Customer webhooksAccount ValidationReceives results from Shinkansen Validatorpost💰🤝 Payin Transactions - Shinkansen endpointsTransactions & ResponsesSends a payin messagepostReturns the transaction statusgetReturns the transaction response of a non-pending transactiongetTransactions & ResponsesSends a payin messagepostReturns the transaction statusgetReturns the transaction response of a non-pending transactionget💰🤝 Payin Transactions - Participant webhooksTransactions & ResponsesReceives responses from Shinkansenpost🏛️🔐 Treasury - Shinkansen endpointsAccount ReportsList of account reportsgetReturn latest account reportgetBalancesReturns the latest balances for the accountgetEntriesList of entriesgetOperational PaymentsList operational paymentsgetPayout ordersSends a payout order to be automatedpostStatementsList of statementsget🏛️🔐 Treasury - Participant WebhooksResultsReceives a Result Webhook from Shinkansen Treasury for a final state of a Payout Order.post🌐 General APIs - Schemas, Account info, etcBanksList banks by countrygetPowered by Returns previously sent notifications from Shinkansenget https://api.shinkansen.finance/v1/notificationsReturns a list of notifications from the participant.